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Florida Nurses Association

A Voice For All RNs in the State of Florida

Florida Nurses Association

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Have a question that you need answered?

Check below for a list of our most frequently asked questions to see if the answer is there.

What are FNA membership benefits?

How do I become a member and what are the dues?

How long does it take to process a new membership?

Am I automatically a member of ANA when I join?

How can I get involved with FNA on the local level?

How can I get involved with FNA on the state level?

What is the difference between FNA and the Board of Nursing?

How does FNA determine its political agenda? How can I get involved?

How do I become a nurse? How do I choose a nursing school? How do I know if a school is accredited?

Two Nurses


Not finding the answer that you are looking for?

Email us your question or comment by clicking on the button below and we will get back with you soon.

Florida Nurses Association
1235 E. Concord St.
Orlando, FL 32803
Phone: 407.487.2230

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 536985
Orlando, FL 32853-6985